From DEF CON to Black Hat to National Geographic to DefCamp & beyond

jayson e street defcamp interview

A social engineer walks on a street in Beirut and says:

Hey guys, why don’t we rob a bank today?

This is not a story about a heist. It’s a social engineering engagement that reveals the vulnerabilities built into human nature.

I started out in physical security about 25 years ago. I got into infosec in 2000, when I became a network security admin. Got my CISSP in 2001, but didn’t get into the red team side until 2008 or so.

I found that I was most effective by thinking about “how I would attack” rather than focusing purely on defense. Until you hack your own defenses, you’ll never be sure how good you really are.


Jayson Street is one of the best people in the world at getting into places that seem secure but aren’t.

His job is to help companies and people see their blindspots, to educate and empower them to make better decisions.

He started out in physical security and law enforcement and now he’s one of the greatest social engineers and infosec advocates in the world.

From Def Con to Black Hat to National Geographic & beyond

People love Jayson because:

  • He’s brilliant
  • He’s friendly (awkward hugs ftw!)
  • He’s articulate & a great educator
  • He doesn’t do BS!

The list could go on but we’d rather recommend you watch this trailer for the National Geographic Breakthrough Cyber-Terror series where Jayson is all that and more!

This year will be Jayson’s 3rd time at DefCamp!

We’re ecstatic to celebrate our 10-year anniversary with him and you!

>>> Get your DefCamp ticket <<<

Don’t miss out on connecting with a powerful and widespread community of infosec pros!

Awkward hugs from the DefCamp team!
(We learned from the best.)

PS: While the anticipation of seeing Jayson builds up, you can watch his DefCamp talks from 2016

and 2018

This year, we’re taking DefCamp to the next level with the help of our main, long-time partner, Orange. With support from IXIA – a Keysight Business, Secureworks, UiPath, Bit Sentinel, Thales, and other selected tech companies that value the power of community, we’re building valuable, hands-on learning experiences for 2000+ attendees from all over the world! Join us to educate, secure, and change the world!

Meet our DefCamp 10 partners 2019

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